ACT for Alexandria wants to be a resource to you and make it easy for you to ask your clients if they have charitable interests. Because if they say “Yes,” ACT is here to set up many kinds of charitable funds, invest them prudently, and be a thought partner with your clients by helping them find organizations or causes that align with their philanthropic visions.
Our staff is skilled in working with donors who have multi-faceted objectives and complex giving situations. As your partner in charitable giving, we know that we can help you achieve three-way success: for you, for your clients, and for the community.
Call or e-mail us regarding any aspect of charitable giving. We are also glad to arrange a meeting at your convenience and a place of your choosing. We understand that your clients sometimes prefer to remain anonymous, and we are glad to work directly with you on their behalf.
We are experienced in customizing charitable giving opportunities to meet the needs of your clients. We also understand how to help you communicate the benefits of a particular strategy so that your clients make well-informed decisions about which they feel good. We are committed to helping your clients achieve their financial and charitable goals.
Many individuals, corporations, nonprofit agencies, and organizations also work with us because of our knowledge of local needs and our extensive experience in addressing community issues.
We sincerely want to be your partner in meeting the charitable giving needs of your clients. If you have questions or want to arrange a meeting with our staff, please contact ACT at (703) 739-7778.