Welcoming & Belonging

In 2023, ACT for Alexandria completed its strategic plan, led by a diverse, community-led planning team. ACT was selected to participate in a community of practice hosted by CFLeads and Welcoming America to help foster inclusive communities and deepen welcoming and belonging work. Through this program, ACT is seeking to identify ways to support a community where everyone can truly thrive and feel like they belong. Our goal is to foster connections, collaboration and belonging for everyone – whether they are a newcomer, recent immigrant or someone who has lived here for generations. Read more about our commitment to celebrating welcoming and belonging in Alexandria.

ACT will be participating in Welcoming America’s Welcoming Week – September 13-22. Welcoming Week is an annual event that celebrates the work in communities to become welcoming places for all, including immigrants and newcomers. The goal is to foster connections, collaboration and belong for all. In celebration of our 20th Anniversary, ACT will be offering $20,000 in welcoming and belonging grants this summer for activities to be carried out during Welcoming Week.

The grant application will open on June 20 and close on July 18. All applications must be completed in Foundant, ACT’s grant management system.

ACT hosted a virtual information session on June 20 at 9:30am – click here to view the recording, the passcode is: $H0ysMZ4

To preview the application, click on the pdf below.Welcoming & Belonging, Welcoming Week Grant Program Application

To apply for the Welcoming Week Grant, click here


What is welcoming? (from Welcoming America)

Being welcoming is much more than being friendly, tolerant, or peaceful. Truly welcoming places have intentional, inclusive policies, practices, and norms that enable all residents to live, thrive, and contribute fully — including immigrants.

Welcoming places are made possible by welcoming people – we want to foster more welcoming places at work, in our neighborhoods, and places of gathering. Together, welcoming places, communities, and individuals can create the conditions for a thriving community that embraces, harnesses, and fully leverages the contributions of all residents.

What is belonging? 

In a community, belonging is more than a feeling – it means to be fully part of the “we” – meaning each of us has our well-being considered and we’re able to design and benefit from institutions and structures that affect our lives. (from Welcoming America)

More than just being seen or feeling included, belonging entails having a voice and the opportunity to use it to make demands upon society and political institutions. Belonging is more than having access; it is about the power to co-create the structures that shape a community.  (Othering & Belonging Institute)

What is Welcoming Week?

Welcoming Week is an annual campaign that celebrates the work in communities to become welcoming places for all, including newcomers, immigrants and those who have lived here for generations. Launched in 2012 by Welcoming America and its members, Welcoming Week provides individuals and organizations the opportunity to showcase their values through events and initiatives that foster connections and collaboration between immigrants and non-immigrants, as well as belonging for all.

Through Welcoming Week, organizations and communities bring together neighbors of all backgrounds to build strong connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving collective prosperity.

The Welcoming America site has resources and a toolkit that we encourage you to take a look at – https://welcomingweek.org/toolkit

Funding Priorities:

We are seeking to fund activities/events/projects conducted by 501c3 organizations (or those with fiscal sponsors) that are:

  • Bringing together community members from all backgrounds (immigrant and non-immigrant) – fostering connections, collaboration and bridge building
  • Engaging community members in co-creating the activities/events/projects
  • Reflective of the racial and ethnic diversity of the Alexandria community and focus on understanding and celebrating cultural diversity (taking into consideration cultural sensitivity and respect for the traditions and values of communities)
  • Taking place during Welcoming Week – September 13 – 22

Please note: this funding is not eligible for supporting your organization’s fundraising events. 

Examples of Welcoming Week projects from across the country:

Checklist to Review When Applying for Welcoming Week Grant

My organization…

☐ Serves Alexandria – City of and/or Fairfax County Alexandria

☐ Will use funding solely for project related to Welcoming Week

☐ Will carry out project during Welcoming Week – September 13 – 22

☐ Is a 501c3 or fiscally sponsored by a 501c3 organization

☐ Will share details about this project with ACT for Alexandria for cross promotion, if applicable, by September 4

☐ Will post this project on the Welcoming America website, if applicable, by September 4

☐ Will share a very brief blurb and a photo and/or video of this project with ACT for Alexandria by October 4

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