Best in Business Award 2021

We are honored and humbled to accept The ALX Chamber’s Best in Business Award for Nonprofit of the Year! Congratulations to the other nonprofit nominees and thank you for all of the wonderful work you do in Alexandria, we could not do it without the tireless effort of our nonprofit community. Congratulations also to Scott Shaw with Alexandria Restaurant Partners for receiving the Business Leader of the Year award. Thank you to all winners and participating organizations for making Alexandria a vibrant community!



Major ImpACT: The Center for Alexandria’s Children

Brandi Yee, Chief Program Officer One of ACT’s first initiatives was incubating the Center for Alexandria’s Children (the Center), an accredited...

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Leading ACTors: Founder Reflections

By Tricia Ritchie, Development Officer, ACT for Alexandria ACT was founded on the idea that when people come together, we can achieve big things...

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